Most popular cats in France

Par Pawtounes
3 Min de Lecture

Cats are very popular pets in France. In fact, according to a study carried out in 2021 by market research company GFK, nearly 14 million French households own a cat. But which cats are most loved by the French? In this article, we’ll explore the most popular cat breeds in France.

most popular cats in france, Cats, pets, cat breeds, popularity, France, Maine Coon, Persian, Siamese, Bengal, Chartreux
Most popular cats in France - Pawtounes

The Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a breed of cat native to the United States. With its thick coat and majestic appearance, this is one of the most impressive breeds of cat. Maine Coons are also known for their friendly personality and ability to adapt easily to family life. They are very popular in France, not least because of their large size and unique appearance.

Maine Coon - Most popular cats in France
Maine Coon

The Persian

The Persian is a breed of cat originally from Iran. Recognized by its long, silky coat, it is also known for its graceful appearance and gentle character. Persians are very popular in France, especially for their ability to bond closely with their owners. However, because of their thick coats, they require a lot of maintenance.

Persian - Most popular cats in France
Most popular cats in France - Pawtounes

The Siamese

The Siamese is a breed of cat native to Thailand. With its bright blue eyes and long, slender body, it is easily recognizable. Siamese are also known for their expressive personalities and affection for their owners. They are very popular in France, not least because of their unique beauty and lively personality.

Siamese - Most popular cats in France

The Bengal

The Bengal is a breed of cat native to the United States. Recognizable by its mottled coat and wild appearance, it is very popular in France. Bengals are also known for their active, inquisitive personalities. They adapt easily to family life and enjoy playing with children.

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Bengal - Most popular cats in France

Le Chartreux

The Chartreux is a breed of cat native to France. Recognized by its blue-gray coat and robust appearance, it is very popular in France. Chartreux are also known for their calm, affectionate personalities. They adapt easily to family life and enjoy spending time with their owners.

Chartreux - Most popular cats in France


In conclusion, there are many popular breeds of cat in France, each with its own unique characteristics. Whether you’re looking for a majestic cat like the Maine Coon or a gentle cat like the Persian, there’s a cat to suit every owner. Cats are wonderful animals and great company for their owners.

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